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Danes vam predstavljamo veliiiiko novih knjig v angleščini, ki jih je za vas izbrala Knjigarna Felix. Čakajo vas tiste o biznisu, pa glasbi in filmu, plesu in vojnah, ter številni priročniki in monografije. Mi vam jih predstavljamo le nekaj. Ostale knjige si oglejte na!
Poslovne knjige v angleščini: | |
Essential Manager"s Manual Improve your management skills and take control of your career with the new edition of this bestselling one-stop-shop for every manager. Redna cena: 40,90 € Spletna cena: 36,81 € |
Free Prize Inside: The Next Big Marketing Idea, Seth Godin Redna cena: 14,90 € |
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable, Seth Godin You"re either a Purple Cow or you"re not. You"re either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice. Redna cena: 14,90 € Spletna cena: 13,41 € |
Marketing Effectively Improve your marketing skills - learn about researching and analyzing customers" buying habits as well as creating and managing a strong brand. Redna cena: 9,90 € Spletna cena: 8,91 € |
Knjige za zabavo o glasbi, filmu ... v angleščini: | |
Film (Eyewitness Companions) From Woody Allen to Roberto Rossellini, from Schindlers List to Goldfinger - everything you ever wanted to know about film but were afraid to ask. Redna cena: 27,90 € Spletna cena: 25,11 € |
Rough Guide Elvis /Rough Guide This new edition of the Rough Guide to Elvis is the most up-to-date guide on every aspect of The King. Redna cena: 13,90 € Spletna cena: 12,51 € |
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