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What an entrepreneur needs to know about marketing

What an entrepreneur needs to know about marketing related articles

What an entrepreneur needs to know about marketing

06.05.2008 ob 09:53

Marketing can be compared to football – within the comfort of one’s sofa, everyone is the expert, noticing every mistake, foreseeing every move. On the football field, however, there is a completely different story – the field is too big and therefore obscured, we cannot even see all the players and the opposing team, the competition, is on the lookout for our every mistake.
Similar situations play out in the world of marketing when we decide to realise that first action. It is then that we find that matters are not so simple and obvious. If we embark upon it unprepared and with insufficient knowledge, the worst case scenario is that there is no response to the product and the money invested in the development and realization of the action has been practically thrown away. Another alternative is to hire professionals to carry out the action, which of course costs money but increases effect and response.

What is Marketing
Marketing means action: action directed towards acquiring clients, increasing sales, improving the recognition of the company, its products and its services etc. The victors in marketing are always the ones with the most forcible and effective ideas, the bolder ones, but also the more qualified/educated. You should therefore think in terms of concrete action, using modern and innovative marketing approaches.

Marketing aims at attracting attention, whether to the company products or its services. It represents a network of activities performed by the company and its employees, especially in smaller companies where practically every employee is a salesman. Irrespective of their workplace, everyone can all contribute to an action’s success. Marketing therefore consists of everything that an entrepreneur does on the market – from the presentation of all documents, invoices, records, and complete business correspondence, to contacts with the buyers, suppliers, partners, potential employees, journalists, and politicians. The entrepreneur is the one responsible for presenting to his or her employees their role in the company’s marketing activities: how to behave and primarily explaining what the goal is that the entrepreneur wishes to realise on the market. Only this will allow each company member to fulfil their role correctly.

Unless the company’s reputation and recognition is developed systematically, it may happen that the image on the market differs completely from your wishes and plans.

The goal of every marketing strategy is a long-term increase of sales; however, there are differences in the marketing of small and big companies. For a small company, the first challenge is establishing a contact with potential buyers as directly and effectively as possible and, if possible, at the lowest possible price. The marketing of big companies or those companies marketing wholesale products, is usually more dispersed, while the most effective way for small companies is to achieve specifically set goals in a more direct and forcible way.

What Marketing is Not
Marketing does not in any way imply lying, manipulating or selling castles in the clouds only to convince the buyer to buy, even if it is done once and never again. If you know of at least one “miracle product” that has not lived up to its TV or newspaper advertisement, you will agree that dissatisfied buyers are the worst kind of publicity for the product, the services or the deceitful company in general.

And in addition ...
Apart from all the above mentioned, it is important to remember the fact that in the midst of all this flood of advertisements in post boxes, on television, radio, and the Internet, people are becoming ever more selective. We simply overlook, we choose not to hear, or we turn off the advertisements. The advertisers have made the same conclusion, which is evident from television commercials where after they have been run there is another, more expensive one. The buyers’ attention should be captivated by the form, as well as the content; the advertisement should awaken their interest and offer some kind of an advantage. This is the only way they will choose to dial your telephone number from the mass of advertisements.

translation by alkemist d.o.o.

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